Tens and Units Place Value Chart

Tens and Units Place Value Columns

Place Value chart Tens and Units example Summary

  • To help us count the total number of counters we will use a place value chart and collect groups of ten counters together.
  • There are 3 groups of ten counters so we write the
    digitAny of the numerals: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 that we use to write our numbers with.
    ‘3’ in the tens column.
  • There are 2 counters left over so we write the digit ‘2’ in the units column.
  • We write the digits ‘3’ and ‘2’ together as our total two-digit number: 32.

We count groups of ten and then count the single units. The digits written together in place value columns form our total number.


Place Value Tens Units ones partitioning Example

  • The number 27 is made up of two
    digitsAny of the numerals: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 that we use to write our numbers with.
    : ‘2’ and ‘7’.
  • The digit ‘7’ is in the units column and represents the value of ‘7’.
  • The digit ‘2’ is in the tens column and represents the value of ’20’.
  • 27 can be
    partitionedWriting one larger number as the sum of smaller numbers – in this case we split it into tens and units.
    into 20 and 7.


Base Ten Blocks: Interactive Question Generators

Partitioning Tens and Units: Interactive Question Generator

Tens and Units Worksheets and Answers

Printable Blank Place Value Charts for Tens and Ones / Units

What are Tens and Units (Ones) in Number Place Value Charts?

When we have a small number of counters, it is easy to count how many we have.

We can count up in ones.

We can also say that we count each ‘unit’. Some people say we can count up in ‘ones’ and others will say we count in ‘units’. Both of these words are used in schools when talking about place value.

4 counters

In the example above, we can count 4 counters. We say that have four ones.

32 counters to be grouped into tens and units

However, in the example above, it is less easy to immediately see how many counters we have. We will learn how to write the number of counters in a place value chart in this example.

32 counters grouped in tens

To make it easier to count the number of counters, we can group the counters into groups of ten.

Each group of ten counters is shown circled in red. It is now much easier to see how many counters we have in total because we can count the groups of ten and groups of units separately.

We have 3 groups of ten and 2 units.

We can represent the number of counters in a place value chart and this will allow us to write the tens and units as one number.

32 grouped into tens and units columns

We can show that we have 3 tens by writing the

digitAny of the numerals: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 that we use to write our numbers with.
‘3’ in the tens column.

We can show that we have 2 units by writing the digit of ‘2’ in the units column.

The individual numerals of ‘3’ and ‘2’ are called digits.

Combining the two digits in our place value chart gives us the total number of 32.

Because 32 is made up of two digits: 3 and 2, we say that 32 is a two-digit number.

Below, we have another place value chart example.

28 ready to be grouped into tens and units

We can begin by collecting the counters into groups of ten counters.

28 grouped into tens

We have 2 groups of ten counters, so we say that we have 2 tens.

We have 8 individual counters left over, so we have 8 units (or 8 ones).

28 grouped into tens and units columns

This means that we write a 2 in the tens column of our place value chart to show that there are 2 tens.

We write an 8 in the units column of the place value chart to show that we have 8 units.

The two digits of ‘2’ and ‘8’ form our final two-digit number of 28.

The number of counters is therefore 28.

We will now look at how our tens and ones place value columns allow us to

partitionWriting one larger number as the sum of smaller numbers – in this case we split it into tens and units.
our two-digit numbers into tens and units.

Considering the number ’63’, we can see that it is made up of two digits: ‘6’ and then ‘3’.

63 place value chart example

The digit of ‘3’ is in the units (or ones) column and is just worth 3.

Whereas the digit of ‘6’ is in the tens place value column and is worth 60.

63 the 6 in the tens place value column is worth 60 or 6 tens

This is because 6 tens are 60.

63 can be partitioned into 6 tens and 3 units (or 3 ones).


Now try our lesson on Hundreds, Tens and Units where we learn how to extend our knowledge of numbers to 3-digit numbers larger than one hundred.

How to Find the Area of a Rectangle

How to Find the Area of a Rectangle


area of a rectangle

  • The area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the length by the width.
  • The length of a rectangle is the longest side length.
  • The width of a rectangle is the shortest side length.
  • The area of this rectangle is 6 cm × 10 cm = 60 cm2.
  • The area of a rectangle tells us how many unit squares can fit inside it.
  • We have 6 rows of 10 squares, which is 60 squares in total.
  • Area is measured in units squared.
  • Because we have measured the sides in centimetres, the area is measured in centimetres squared.
The area of a rectangle is length × width.

Area is measured in units squared.


example of finding the area of a rectangle

  • The area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the length and width.
  • The length is 7 m and the width is 3 m.
  • The area of the rectangle is 3 mm × 7 mm = 21 mm2.
  • This means that 21 individual 1 mm2 squares can fit inside the rectangle.


Area of Rectangles: Interactive Activity

Area of Rectangles: Interactive Activity

Area of a Rectangle Worksheets

Area of a Rectangle Word Problem Worksheets

Finding the Area of Rectangles and Squares

How to Find the Area of a Rectangle

To find the area of a rectangle, multiply its length by its width. The area is measured in units squared. For example, for a rectangle of length 8 cm and width 5 cm, the area is 8 cm × 5 cm = 40 cm2.

example of how to find the area of a rectangle

The length of a rectangle is the longest side and the width is the shortest side.

In this example, the length is 8 cm and the width is 5 cm.

8 × 5 = 40 and the units for the area of this rectangle are cm2. The area of this rectangle is 40 cm2.

We multiply 8 cm by 5 cm. Multiplying cm × cm gives us cm2.

The formula for the area of a rectangle is Area = Length × Width. This formula can be written as A = L × W or as A = LW.

Here is an example of using the formula to calculate the area of a rectangle.

example of using the formula to calculate the area of a rectangle

Area = Length × Width.

Length = 9 cm and Width = 4.

A = 9 × 4 = 36. The units for the area are cm2 since we measured the sides in centimetres.

The area of this rectangle is 36 cm2.

Here is a word problem for finding the area of a rectangle.

What is the area of a rectangle with width of 5 and length of 7

The area is found by multiplying the length and the width. In this worded problem, we just need to find the two numbers that show the length and width.

L = 7 and W = 5.

Area = 7 × 5 = 35. The units are cm2. The area of the rectangle is 35 cm2.

How to Find the Area of a Square

To find the area of a square, multiply the length of one side by itself. The units for area are units squared. For example, if a square has a side length of 3 m, then its area is 3 m × 3m = 9 m2.

Here is a square with a side length of 3 m.

a square of side length 3 m

A square is a special type of rectangle that has all of its sides the same length.

Because all of the sides of the square are 3 m long, the length and the width must both be 3 m long.

example of finding the area of a square

Multiplying the length by the width, the area is 3 m × 3m = 9 m2.

Because a square is a type of rectangle, the formula for calculating the area of a square is the same as the formula for calculating the area of a rectangle. We can use length × width. However, the length and the width are both the same on a square, which makes it even easier to find the area.

The formula for the area of a square is Area = Side Length × Side Length. This formula can be written more simply as Area = L2, where L is the length of one side of the square.

Here is an example of using the formula for the area of a square with a worded problem.

what is the area of a square of side length 6 cm?

The area of a square is found by Area = Side Length × Side Length. The side length = 6 cm. We simply multiply 6 by 6.

6 cm × 6 cm = 36 cm2 and so, the area of this square is 36 cm2.

Using the alternative form of the formula, we have Area = L2.

L2 means to multiply the value of L by itself.

L = 6 cm and so, L2 = 6 × 6 = 36.

The area is 36 cm2.

Why is the Area of a Rectangle Length Times Width?

The area of a rectangle is the number of unit squares that fit inside it. The length is the number of unit squares that fit in each row and the width is the number of rows of squares. Multiplying the length by the width gives the total number of unit squares inside a rectangle and hence, the area.

Measuring the length or width in a given unit of measurement tells us how many of these units can fit in this direction.

In this example we will use centimetre squares.

unit squares shown inside a rectangle

Inside the rectangle we can look at individual squares. These squares measure 1 cm by 1 cm. Their area is 1 cm2.

To find the total area of the rectangle, we simply need to count the number of 1 cm2 squares that fit inside it.

Here is a rectangle that is 10 cm long and 6 cm wide.

We can see that there are 10 of the unit squares that can fit in each row because the side length is 10 cm long.

A rectangle made of 60 cm squares with its length of 10 squares highlighted in red

We can see that there are 6 rows because the width is 6 cm long.

why the area of a rectangle is length times width

We have 6 rows of 10 or 6 lots of 10.

A rectangle made of 60 cm squares with its width of 6 squares highlighted in red

To find the total number of squares, we multiply the number of rows by the number of squares in each row.

6 lots of 10 is written as 6 × 10, which equals 60 squares.

Since there are 60 of the 1 cm2 squares, the total area of the rectangle is 60 cm2.


Now try our lesson on How to Find the Area of a Triangle where we learn how to find the area of a triangle.

Column Addition of Decimals

Column Addition of Decimals


Column Addition of Decimals 1.7 + 2.5

  • First line up the decimal points of each number.
  • Line up the digits of the numbers that are in the same place value columns.
  • Add the digits in each column from right to left.
  • If the answer to this addition contains 2-digits, then carry the tens digit over to the next column.
  • 7 + 5 = 12 and so we write the 2 below and carry the 1 over.
  • We now add the digits in the next column, including the 1 we carried.
  • 1 + 2 + the 1 we carried = 4.
  • 1.7 + 2.5 = 4.2.

Line up the decimal points and the digits in each place value column.

Add each digit to the digit above.


Column Addition of Decimals example 0.52 + 0.67

  • We line the decimal points up and then line up the digits of each number.
  • We add the digits from the right to left.
  • 2 + 7 = 9, so we write a 9 below.
  • 5 + 6 = 11 and so, we write a 1 below and carry the 1 ten over.
  • In the next column to the left of the decimal point we have 0 + 0 + the 1 we carried = 1.
  • 0.52 + 0. 67 = 1.19.


Supporting Lessons


Column Addition of Decimals: Interactive Questions

Column Addition of Decimals: Interactive Questions

Column Addition of Decimals Worksheets and Answers

Download our printable workbooks for further practice of column addition with decimals!

Column Addition

Adding Decimals using Column Addition

How to Add Decimals

To add decimals first line up the decimal points of each number and then line up the digits in each place value column. Add the digits separately from right to left.

Write the answers to each addition below the digits. Only write one digit in each place value column. If the answer is a two digit number, carry the ten over to add to the digits in the next column along.

We will consider the example of adding the decimal numbers 1.7 + 2.5.

The first step is to write one decimal above the other. It is important to first line up the decimal points of the numbers.

Then line up the digits in each place value column.

adding two decimals 1.7 + 2.5 with column addition

Next, we add the digits from right to left.

Adding the digits in the tenths column, we have 7 + 5 = 12.

We only write 1 digit in each place value column. This means that we write the ‘2’ of ’12’ below and carry the ‘1’ into the next column on the left.

Write the carried digit below the answer lines.

adding decimals 1.7 + 2.5 set out as a column addition and adding the tenths column

We now add the digits in the ones column. We have 1 + 2 + the 1 we carried earlier.

1 + 2 + 1 = 4

adding decimals 1.7 + 2.5 = 4.2 set out as a column addition

Now all digits have been added, we read our answer from between the answer lines.

1.7 + 2.5 = 4.2

Column Addition Decimals 1

In this next example we add the decimals 0.52 + 0.67.

The first step when adding two decimal numbers is to line up the decimal points.

We then line up the digits in the same place value columns.

We line up the 2 and the 7 in the hundredths column, the 5 and the 6 in the tenths column and the zeros in the ones column.

adding decimals 0.52 + 0.67 set out as a column addition

We start by adding the digits from right to left, starting in the hundredths column.

2 + 7 = 9 and so, we write a 9 in the answer lines below.

adding decimals 0.52 + 0.67 set out as a column addition looking at the hundredths column

We now add the digits in the tenths column.

5 + 6 = 11 and so, we write a 1 below and carry the other 1 digit into the next column to the left.

adding decimals 0.52 + 0.67 set out as a column addition looking at the tenths column

We finally add the digits in the ones column. We have 0 + 0 + the 1 we carried. 0 + 0 + 1 = 1. We write this 1 in the answer space.

adding decimals 0.52 + 0.67 = 1.19 set out as a column addition

Column addition of decimals example of 0.52+0.67=1.19

Adding Decimals with Different Place Values

To add decimals with different place values, line up the decimal points. Then line up the digits from left to right. Write zeros on the end of decimal numbers that have fewer digits than other numbers until the numbers have the same number of digits.

Then add the digits in each place value column separately, working from right to left.

For example, we will add the two decimals 3.4 and 1.58.

The decimal number 3.4 has just 2 digits whereas the decimal number 1.58 has 3 digits.

We first write the two numbers, lining up the decimal points and then the digits from left to right.

We put a 0 digit on the end of 3.4 in the hundredths column to make 3.40.

adding decimals 3.4 + 1.58 set out as a column addition with a zero written in the hundredths column

The two decimal numbers now have the same number of place value columns.

We add the digits from right to left, starting in the hundredths column.

0 + 8 = 8

adding decimals 3.4 + 1.58 set out as a column addition looking at the hundredths column

4 + 5 = 9

3.4 + 1.58 set out as a column addition looking at the tenths column

3 + 1 = 4

3.4 + 1.58 = 4.98 set out as a column addition

3.4 + 1.58 = 4.98

Here is another example of adding decimals with different place values. We have 5.07 + 7.4.

5.07 has 3 digits with the last digit in the hundredths column.

7.4 has 2 digits with the last digit in the tenths column.

we add a zero digit after 7.4 to make 7.40.

Column Addition of decimals with different place values 7.4 + 5.07

Adding the digits in the hundredths column, 7 + 0 = 7.

Adding the digits in the tenths column, 0 + 4 = 4.

Adding the digits in the ones column, 5 + 7 = 12.

5.07 + 7.4 = 12.47


Now try our lesson on Column Subtraction of 2-Digit Numbers where we learn how to use the column subtraction method.

Negative Numbers on a Number Line

Negative Numbers on a Number Line

Negative Numbers on a number line Summary

  • The numbers to the right of zero on a number line are called positive numbers.
  • Positive numbers are greater than zero and get larger as we move further to the right on the number line.
  • Negative numbers are to the left of zero on a number line.
  • We mark negative numbers with a negative sign ‘-‘ to show that they are negative.
  • The
    numeralThe symbols ‘0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9’ that we use to write numbers.
    of the number itself tells us how many places away from zero that this number is.
  • If the numeral has a negative sign in front of it, it is this number of places left of zero.
  • We don’t tend to write a positive sign ‘+’ in front of a positive number.
  • Therefore, if a number has no sign in front of it, it is a positive number.
  • Zero is neither positive nor negative.
Positive numbers are to the right of zero and negative numbers are to the left of zero, marked with a negative sign: ‘-‘.

The numeral tells us how far away from zero the number is.


Adding Subtracting Negative Numbers Example

  • Here we have the example of -2 + 8.
  • When we add, we move to the right on a number line.
  • When we subtract we move to the left on a number line.
  • We start at -2, which is two places to the left of zero.
  • The plus sign means that we move to the right.
  • We are adding 8, which means we move to the right 8 places.
  • We arrive at 6.
  • Therefore -2 + 8 = 6.


Negative Numbers on a Number Line Worksheets and Answers

Adding and Subtracting Negative Numbers on a Number Line: Interactive Activities

Adding Negative Numbers: Interactive Activity

Subtracting Negative Numbers: Interactive Activity

Difference Between Negative Numbers: Interactive Activity

Difference Between Negative Numbers: Random Question Generator

Negative Numbers on a Number Line

What are Negative Numbers?

Negative numbers are numbers that are less than zero. They are left of zero on a number line. Negative numbers are used to show when something is going in the other direction to other numbers. We write a minus sign ‘-‘ in front of a number to show that it is negative.

Negative numbers are used in real life to show temperature, money owed and levels of a building below the ground floor.

On a number line, positive numbers are numbers that are to the right of zero. A positive number is any number that is larger than zero.

We can write a positive sign ‘+’ in front of a number to show that it is positive, however we do not do this unless we need to.

If a number does not have a sign in front of it, then it is a positive number.

Positive integers shown on a number line from zero

The positive numbers get larger as we move to the right.

Negative numbers are to the left of zero.

Negative numbers shown on a number line

Going from right to left, we can also count upwards from zero. However, to show that the numbers are negative, we write a minus sign: ‘-‘ in front of each number.

Negative numbers are to the left of zero on a number line and positive numbers are to the right

Regardless of whether a number is positive or negative, the size of each

numeralThe symbols ‘0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9’ that we use to write numbers.
tells us how far away the number is from zero.

The numeral of a positive number tells us how many places right of zero it is. If there is a negative sign ‘-‘ in front then the numeral tells us how many places to the left of zero it is.

Negative numbers are commonly used in the following real-life situations:

  • Temperature: Negative numbers are used to show colder temperatures below 0°. The larger the negative number numeral, the colder the temperature.
  • Money: Negative numbers are used to show money owed or money transferred out. For example -$20 can mean that $20 is owed. It could also show that $20 has been spent.
  • Floors of a Building: Negative numbers are used to show floors below the ground floor. The larger the negative number numeral, the further below ground the floor is.

Addition and Subtraction on a Number Line with Negatives

To add a number, we move this many places right on the number line. To subtract a number, we move this many places left on the number line.

Here is an example of subtracting a larger number than we started with.

3 - 6 = -3 shown on a number line with negative numbers

To calculate 3 – 6, first find 3 on the number line. This has been highlighted in red.

example of subtracting a larger number from a smaller number on a number line

We are subtracting 6, so we move 6 places to the left from 3.

We arrive at – 3   (negative three).


3 – 6 = – 3.

In this example we subtracted a larger number from a smaller number. When we lose more than we start with, we end up with a negative number.

We could have worked out 3 – 6 since we know that 6 – 3 = 3. If 6 – 3 = 3, then 3 – 6 = -3. Our answer is the same numeral but instead it is negative.

When adding a negative number to a positive number, the size of the numbers determines whether the answer is positive or negative. If the positive number is larger than the negative number, then the answer is positive. If the negative number is larger than than the positive number, the answer is negative.

Here is another example of subtracting a larger number from a smaller number. We have 1 – 3. We know that the answer will be negative because we are subtracting a number that is larger than the number we start with.

1 - 3 = -2 shown on a number line with negative numbers

To calculate 1 – 3, we start at 1 on the number line.

We want to subtract 3, so we move 3 places to the left.

subtracting a larger number from a smaller number example of 1 - 3 = -2

1 – 3 = – 2.

Again since we know 3 – 1 = 2, we know that 1 – 3 = -2. The same numeral but a negative answer since we are subtracting a number that is larger than we started with.

Here is an example of a sum that starts with a negative number. We have a negative number add a positive number. We have -2 + 8.

-2 + 8 = 6 shown on a number line with negative numbers

We begin by finding –2 on the number line.

We want to add 8, so we move 8 places to the right.

adding a positive number to a negative number on a number line

We arrive at 6.


–2 + 8 = 6.

Since the positive number was larger than the negative number, the answer was positive.

We can work out additions with negative numbers more easily by rearranging the sum so that the positive number comes first.

For example -2 + 8 can be rearranged to say +8 -2. We know that 8 – 2 = 6 and so, -2 + 8 = 6.

Here is an example of -6 + 4. Here the negative number numeral is larger than the postive number numeral. So we expect to arrive at a negative answer.

-6 + 4 = -2 shown on a number line with negative numbers

To calculate –6 + 4, we begin by finding – 6 on the number line.

We want to add 4, so we move 4 places to the right.

We arrive at –2. We knew that this answer would be negative since we subtracted a larger number than the number we started with.


–6 + 4 = –2.

Since we know that 6 – 4 = 2, we know that 4 – 6 = -2. When we switch the numbers in the subtraction, the sign of the answer changes from positive to negative.

Here’s our final example with two negative signs in the sum:

-1 - 4 = -5 shown on a number line with negative numbers

We are asked to calculate – 1 – 4. We begin by finding – 1 on the number line.

We want to subtract 4, so we move 4 places to the left.

a negative number subtract another number example of -1 - 4

We arrive at – 5.


– 1 – 4 = – 5.

We started one place to the left of zero and then moved a further four places left to get to five places left of zero.

Finding the Difference Between Positive and Negative Numbers

To find the difference between numbers, we subtract the smaller number from the larger number.

To find the difference between a positive and negative number, add the two numerals together as if they were both positive.

To find the difference between two negative numbers, ignore the negative signs and subtract the smallest number from the largest.

Here is an example of finding the difference between two positive numbers, 5 and 2.

finding the difference between two numbers 5 and 2

We can see this difference on a number line by finding the two numbers and counting the number of jumps between them.

There are 3 jumps between 2 and 5. The difference between 5 and 2 is 3.

5 - 2 = 3 shown on a number line

We can work this out more quickly by subtracting 2 from 5. 5 – 2 = 3.

Here is the same example but both numbers are negative this time.

We wish to find the difference between -5 and -2.

finding the difference between two negative numbers

We can find -5 and -2 on our number line and then count the number of jumps between the two numbers.

We can see that there are 3 jumps between -5 and -2.

example of finding the difference between two negative numbers

We can see that finding the difference between -2 and -5 is very similar to finding the difference between 2 and 5. The numbers are the same distance apart, they are just on the other side of zero.

So to work out the difference between -2 and -5, we can ignore the negative signs and just subtract the smaller number from the larger number.

5 – 2 = 3 and so, the difference between -5 and -2 is 3.

In this example, we find the difference between a negative and a positive number.

We have -3 and 4.

example of finding the difference between a positive number and a negative number

We can see that the difference between the numbers is 7. There are 7 jumps between -3 and 4.

finding the difference between the negative number -3 and the positive number 4

We can more easily work this out by counting the number of jumps from -3 to 0 and then from 0 to 4.

The numeral of any number tells us how far it is away from zero. So -3 is 3 places to the left of zero and 4 is 4 places to the right of 0.

We can simply ignore the negative signs in the numbers and then just add them together to find the difference between them.

3 + 4 = 7 and so the difference between -3 and 4 is 7.


Now try our lesson on Subtracting a Negative Number from a Negative Number where we learn how to subtract a negative number.

Naming 2D Shapes Using Sides and Corners

Naming 2D Shapes using Sides and Corners

List of 2D Shape Names and their Properties

naming 2D shapes using their corners and sides list poster for kids

Properties of 2D Shapes Summary

  • 2D means 2-Dimensional. A 2D shape has two dimensions, which are length and width.
  • A 2D shape is a shape that has no thickness. If drawn on paper, it would be completely flat.
  • To name a 2D shape we simply count how many sides or corners it has.
  • A side is a straight line in between two corners of a shape.
  • A corner is where two sides meet.
  • A shape is made when the sides form an enclosure.
  • The length of all the sides added together is called the perimeter.
  • The number of sides is the same as the number of corners.
We count the number of sides or corners.

The number of sides or corners tells us the name of our 2D shape.


naming a 2d shape with 5 sides and 5 corners as a pentagon example

  • To name a 2D shape we count how many sides or corners it has and look at our list of 2D shapes.
  • This shape has 5 straight sides.
  • The number of corners is the same as the number of sides.
  • This shape has 5 corners.
  • From our 2D shapes list, the name of a shape with 5 sides or 5 corners is called a pentagon.


Naming 2D Shapes Worksheets and Answers

Naming 2D Shapes Using Sides and Corners

To name a 2D shape we count the number of corners it has. An alternative way to name a 2D shape is to count the number of sides it has. When we have counted the number of sides or corners we can read the shape name from our list of 2D shapes below:

naming 2D shapes list of properties poster for kids

In this lesson we will go into more detail about 2D shapes and breakdown some of the more common shapes that we might see.

If a shape is 2D it means that it has 2 dimensions. When we say 2 dimensions we mean that one dimension is the shape’s length and the other dimension is the shape’s width.

A 2D shape is flat and can only be drawn on a piece of paper. It cannot exist in real life as it does not have a thickness, just a length and width.

Any physical object that we can hold is not a 2D shape, it is a

3DThree dimensional. This shape has length, width and depth. It has a thickness and can be physically held in real life.
shape. The main difference between a 2D and a 3D shape is that a 3D shape has a depth, or thickness, whereas a 2D shape does not.

The two main properties of 2D shapes are sides and corners:

The corners, sides and perimeter properties labelled on a 2d shape square

A side is a straight line on the edge of a 2D shape.

A corner is where two sides meet.

The perimeter property is the total distance around the edge of a 2D shape.

The number of sides or corners tell us the name of which 2D shape we have.

Triangles have 3 sides and corners

Any 2D shape with three corners or three sides is called a triangle.

We look for three straight lines that enclose an area.

Any shape with 3 sides and 3 corners is called a triangle. A triangle is a 2D shape.

All angles in a triangle add up to 180

degreesThe unit that we measure angles with. There are 360 degrees in a complete turn.

naming Triangles using their properties 3 sides and 3 corners

Quadrilaterals have 4 sides and corners

The 2D shapes below all have four corners and four sides.

The correct name for any 2D shape with four sides is a quadrilateral.

A quadrilateral is just the word we use for a four-sided shape.

properties of quadrilaterals poster for naming four sided shapes

Two common types of quadrilaterals are squares and rectangles.

A square has four sides that are the same length.

When teaching 2D shape names to children, it is a very common misconception for them to say that the name of any four-sided shape is called a square.

The only correct name to call all types of four-sided shapes is ‘quadrilateral’. The name ‘square’ is only correct to use for a shape that has four equal sides, meaning that all of its sides are the same length.

A rectangle has two pairs of opposite sides that are the same length.

Each side is the same length as the side that it is opposite to.

A square is a special kind of rectangle that has all sides the same length.

Both shapes have four

right anglesAn angle with 90 degrees. Often marked with a square drawn on the angle.

Pentagons have 5 sides and corners

Any shape with five corners or five sides is called a pentagon.

Pentagons are 2D shapes that have 5 sides and 5 corners

Pentagons are 2D shapes that have 5 corners and 5 sides such as any of the shapes in the image above. The shape in the middle of the image is a regular pentagon because it has 5 sides that are all the same length.

The name of the other shapes around the outside are irregular pentagons. Irregular means that they do not have all sides the same length.

Hexagons have 6 sides and corners

Any 2D shape with six corners or six sides is called a hexagon.

Hexagons are 2D shapes that have 6 sides and 6 corners

Again the shape in the centre of this image is a regular hexagon because all of its six sides are equal.

The other 2D shapes around the outside are called irregular hexagons because they do not have six sides that are all the same length.

Remember that to decide if a shape is regular, we can only look at the sides and see if they are all the same length. We cannot decide if a shape is regular from the number of its corners. Although if its angles were all the same size, then we could see that it would be regular.

Circles have no corners

The shape below is different to the previous 2D shapes that we have looked at as it is made from one curved side. It also does not have any corners.

This 2D shape is a circle.

A circle is the name we give to a 2D shape with one curved side and no corners.

A circle is a shape with no corners and one curved side

For a shape to be a circle it must also look exactly the same when we rotate it around.

A circle does not have any straight sides.

Instead, we say that it has one continuous curved side.

When teaching 2D shapes, a circle is a common shape that children will encounter. Sometimes children will mistakenly call any shape that is made from a curved side a circle.

The 2D shape below is an ellipse. An ellipse is a 2D shape made from one curved side and no corners, however it has a different width compared to its height. It is not a circle because it is wider than it is tall.


Remember when naming 2D shapes, we use the number of sides or corners. However it is important to be familiar with the names and I recommend using our 2D shape names list above to help your child recognise the common shape names.

The final additions to our list of 2D shapes are heptagons and octagons.

A seven-sided shape is called heptagon.

An octagon is an eight-sided shape.

Most primary schools will teach 2D shapes up to octagons.


Now try our lesson on How to Find the Perimeter of Rectangles and Squares where we learn how to add the side lengths of a shape to work out the perimeter.

Collecting Like Terms

Collecting Like Terms


example of combining like terms

  • Like terms are the parts of an expression that have the same algebraic variable (same letter).
  • Collecting like terms means to count up how many of each different letter there are in an algebraic expression.
  • We combine like terms to make an expression shorter and simpler.
  • To collect like terms, add up the numbers in front of each letter separately.
  • We combine the r terms: 4r + 2r = 6r.
  • We don’t write the number 1 in front of letters in algebra so ‘t’ is the same as ‘1t’.
  • So 3t + t = 4t.
  • The expression 4r + 3t + 2r + t simplifies to 6r + 4t.

To collect like terms, add the numbers in front of the letters that are the same.


example of collecting like terms with subtraction

  • We collect the ‘a’ terms and the ‘b’ terms separately.
  • The subtraction sign in front of 6a belongs in front of the 6a.
  • So we have 10a – 6a, which equals 4a.
  • The subtraction sign in front of the 3b belongs in front of the 3b.
  • So we have 5b – 3b, which equals 2b.
  • 10a + 5b – 6a – 3b simplifies to 4a + 2b.
  • It can help to use different colours to show different like terms and also to rewrite the expression so that the like terms are next to each other.


Collecting Like Terms Worksheets and Answers

Collecting Like Terms

What are Like Terms?

Terms are the different parts of an algebraic expression that are separated by either a plus or a minus sign. Like terms are simply any of these terms that use exactly the the same letters.

For example, in the expression z + a + z + b + a + b, the two a terms are like terms, the two z terms are like terms and the two b terms are like terms.

We can only add terms with the same letter. We cannot add a to b, a to z or b to z.

what are like terms in algebra?

The letters in algebra are used to represent unknown values and they are called variables.

The value of an apple can be written as using the variable ‘a’ and the value of a banana can be written using the variable ‘b’. The apple and the banana are two different items and therefore the variables ‘a’ and ‘b’ are not like terms.

The cost of an apple can be represented with the variable a
The cost of a banana can be represented with the variable b

Like terms must have exactly the same variables. We can add up how many apples we have and how many bananas we have by counting them separately.

For example, here is a list of apples and bananas.

4 apples and 3 bananas in a mixed order

Combining like terms is important because it allows us to write algebraic expressions more efficiently. Instead of saying that we have an apple, an apple, a banana, a banana, a banana, an apple and an apple, it easier to say that we have four apples and 3 bananas.

4 apples and 3 bananas collected together

We can replace each item with its algebraic variable.

simple example question of combining like terms

It is easier to write a + a + a + a + b + b + b as 4a + 3b. This is collecting like terms.

The total cost = 4a + 3b

Counting up the list of variables is called combining like terms.

Collecting like terms example

4a means 4 × a and 3b means 3 × b but we don’t write the multiplication signs in algebra.

Each of the 4 letter a’s in the expression a + a + a + a are all like terms.

Each of the 3 letter b’s in the expression b + b + b are all like terms as well.

Collecting like terms basically means that we cannot add a terms to b terms. Just like we count apples and bananas separately.

Here is a similar example where the variable z is used to represent the cost of a zebra toy and the variable g is used to represent the cost of a giraffe toy.

example of writing a simple problem with algebraic variables

It is easier to count the number of zebras and giraffes by first looking at the zebras all together and then separately looking at all of the giraffes together.

Collecting Single Terms

The 3 z’s are all like terms and they are different to the 2 g’s which are also like terms.

z and g are different letters and so they are not like terms.

introduction to collecting like terms example

Combining like terms, z + z + z + g + g = 3z + 2g.

It is much quicker to say that the total cost of the animal toys is 3z + 2g, rather than listing out all of the animals.

What does Combining Like Terms Mean?

Combining like terms means to simplify an algebraic expression by counting the variables that are the same. Simply look at each letter in turn and add the numbers in front of them to see how many there are in total.

For example, in the expression 3a + 4c + 2a, we can combine like terms to get 5a + 4c.

It does not make sense to have two separate terms with a in them. Instead of writing 3a and 2a separately, it is easier to add 3 + 2 to get 5 and write 5a.

example of collecting like terms with a coeffcient 3a + 4c + 2a

Remember that we can only add a terms to other a terms.

We cannot add the 4c term to the 5a term, so 5a + 4c is our answer. We cannot simplify 5a + 4c any further.

The number in front of each algebraic term is called the coefficient. There can be several coefficients in a single algebraic expression and we can add them if the variable they are in front of is the same.

In this example, each cake costs ‘c’.

A cake that costs c

Here we have several of these cakes in boxes. The first box has 3 cakes and so it costs 3c. The second box has 2 cakes so it costs 2c and the third box has another 3 cakes and so, it costs 3c.

8 cakes in groups of 3 and 2 with 3 cakes worth 3c and 2 cakes worth 2c

It total there are 8 cakes, so we can say that the total cost is just 8c.

We can collect the like terms to write 3c + 2c + 3c as 8c.

Collecting like terms with a coefficient by adding the coefficients

We can see that because each letter is the same, we can add the numbers in front of them.

3 + 2 + 3 = 8 and so, 3c + 2c + 3c = 8c.

We need to keep the variable c in our answer.

The total cost is 3c + 2c + 3c looking at the coefficients of like terms

The total cost is 8c

How to Combine Like Terms

To combine like terms add the coefficients (numbers) in front of the variables (letters) that are the same. If there is no coefficient written in front of a variable, then the coefficient is actually worth 1.

We tend to write the answer with the variables in alphabetical order.

For example, here is the expression 6f + 2w + 2f + a.

6f + 2w + 2f + a

We can see that the first term alphabetically is ‘a’. There are no other ‘a’ terms to add it to so we just have this one. Remember that ‘a’ is the same as ‘1a’. We do not write 1 in front of a variable in algebra.

6f + 2w + 2f + a where a = 1a

Next in alphabetical order are the ‘f’ terms. We have 6f and 2f. The coefficients are the numbers in front. We have 6 and 2.

6 + 2 = 8 and so, 6f + 2f = 8f.

collecting like terms in 6f + 2w + 2f + a by adding coefficients

Finally, we have the term ‘2w’ but again there are no other like terms to add it to because there are no other w’s in this expression. We can only add numbers in front of the same letters.

6f + 2w + 2f + a = a + 8f + 2w when we collect like terms

6f + 2w + 2f + a can be written as a + 8f + 2w when we combine like terms and write the terms in alphabetical order.

example of combining like terms with a coefficient

We simply add the numbers in front of each letter if the letters are the same.

Here are some more examples of collecting like terms with coefficients.

When teaching collecting like terms, it can be useful to use different colours to highlight different like terms.

In this example we have 4r + 3t + 2r + t.

We first look at the r terms. 4 + 2 = 6 and so, 4r + 2r = 6r.

We now look at the t terms. 3 + 1 = 4 and so, 3t + t = 4t. Remember that t is the same as 1t.

Collecting like terms example question

Combining like terms, 4r + 3t + 2r + t = 6r + 4t.

Notice that the two terms in the answer are separated by a plus sign.

A common mistake when learning how to collect like terms is to simply list the terms. It is important that each separate like term in the answer is separated by a plus or minus sign.

Here is another example of combining like terms with coefficients.

We have b + 3z + 2b + z.

Combining like terms with coefficients b + 3z + 2b + z example

Looking at the b terms, 1 + 2 = 3 and so, b + 2b = 3b.

Looking at the z terms, 3 + 1 = 4 and so, 3z + z = 4z.

Remember to separate the variables in the answer with a plus sign. We have 3b plus 4z so we write 3b + 4z.

Combining Like Terms with Subtraction

If there is a subtraction sign in front of a term, then this number is subtracted from any other like terms. The variable still remains the same.

For example here we have 10a + 5b – 6a – 3b.

We can write the a terms together. We have 10a – 6a. Notice that we moved the minus sign with the 6a.

We write the b terms together. We have 5b – 3b. Again we move the minus sign in front of the 3b too when we move the 3b.

example of combining like terms with subtraction

10a – 6a = 4a and 5b – 3b = 2b.

We have two terms, 4a and 2b.

We combined like terms by subtracting the coefficients. 10a + 5b – 6a – 3b = 4a + 2b.

Notice that because 5b – 3b = 2b, we still have 2 b terms left after the subtraction, so there is a plus sign between 4a and 2b.

We can simply subtract the coefficients of each term.

Here are 8 cakes, which we can write as 8c.

writing coefficients of algebraic terms using cakes as an example

We will remove the box of 3 cakes to leave 5 cakes remaining.

why can we subtract the coefficients of like term

We can see that 8 cakes take away 3 cakes leaves 5 cakes.

Therefore we can write 8c – 5c = 3c.

subtracting terms by looking at the coefficients 8c - 3c = 5c

We can see that 8 – 5 = 3 and so, 8c – 5c = 3c. We simply subtract the coefficients. If there is a minus sign in front of a term, then we subtract the number.

He is a simple example of combining like terms using subtraction.

We have 4a – 2a.

We can see that because both terms contain an ‘a’ and only an ‘a’, we have like terms.

We can subtract the coefficient of 2 from the coefficient of 4.

simple explanation of how to combine like terms using subtraction

4 – 2 = 2 and so, 4a – 2a = 2a.

We can think of this as a negative coefficient. We have 4a and -2a. The coefficient of the second a term is -2.

When teaching collecting like terms with negative coefficients, it is important to show that any minus signs in the expression belong to the following term.

For example, here we have 4a – 2a + 5b – 3b.

There are two minus signs in this expression.

The first minus sign belongs to the 2a and the second minus sign belongs to the 3b.

combining like terms with negative coefficients

4 – 2 = 2 and so, 4a – 2a = 2a.

5 – 3 = 2 and so, 5b – 3b = 2b.

We have 2a + 2b.

Notice that we still have a plus sign separating the terms in our answer because we have + 2a and + 2b. We did not lose any more than we started with so we do not have any negatives in our answer.

Here is an example of 5p + 2r – 3p – r.

question of combining like terms to simplify the expression 5p + 2r - 3p - r

We can simplify this expression by writing the like terms together.

We will write the p terms together. Notice that we move the minus sign with the – 3p term.

Collecting the p terms in 5p + 2r - 3p - r

We then gather the r terms, making sure that we keep the minus sign in front of the – r term.

Collecting the r terms in 5p + 2r - 3p - r

Now collecting the p terms, 5 – 3 = 2 and so, 5p – 3p = 2p.

5p + 2r - 3p - r

Now collecting the r terms, 2 – 1 = 1 and so, 2r – r = r.

5p + 2r - 3p - r = 2p + r

We can see that 5p + 2r – 3p – r = 2p + r.

Collecting like terms example question with negative coefficients

Here is another example of 4d + 7h – 4d.

4d + 7h - 4d algebra terms in an expression

We first look at the d terms. 4d – 4d = 0d.

We do not write 0d. Because there are no d terms remaining, then we do not write anything.

It is a common mistake for students to write a 0 as a coefficient after a subtraction has occurred. We should never write any terms that have a coefficient of 0 because it adds unnecessary information.

example of simplifying an algebraic expression by collecting like terms that cancel out using subtraction

4d + 7h – 4d is simply written as 7h. We only have 7h remaining after subtracting the 4d term.

Here is another example of simplifying an algebraic expression by cancelling terms. We have 3e + 2s – 3e – s.

Looking at the e terms, 3e – 3e = 0e. There are no e terms left so we do not write them.

cancelling an algebraic expression by subtracting terms

We only have the s terms left.

2s – s = s.

So after combining like terms, 3e + 2s – 3e – s = s.

We can see that it is much easier to say that we have s instead of listing the much longer and more complex original expression.


Now try our lesson What is a Positive Plus a Negative? where we learn how to add a negative number.

Writing and Forming Algebraic Expressions

Writing and Forming Algebraic Expressions


Forming Algebraic Expressions example

  • Algebraic expressions can be made up of variables and numbers.
  • Variables are the ‘letters’.
  • We do not know exactly how many sweets there are in this jar.
  • Instead of writing a number, we say that there are ‘n’ sweets in the jar.
  • We can use any letter, such as x, y or z but we have chosen ‘n’ in this case.
  • As well as the jar, we have 2 more sweets.
  • We have n sweets in the jar and 2 more.
  • We write the total number of sweets as ‘n + 2’.
  • There is no equals sign in an algebraic expression.

We write algebraic expressions when a certain value is unknown.


Example of writing an algebraic expression

  • We do not know how many sweets are in the jar.
  • We say that there are n sweets in the jar.
  • We take one sweet out.
  • We had n sweets and we subtracted 1.
  • There are now ‘n – 1’ sweets in the jar.


Forming Algebraic Expressions Worksheets and Answers

Writing and Forming Algebraic Expressions

What are Algebraic Expressions?

Algebraic expressions can contain numbers, variables and operations but they must not contain an equals sign or inequality signs.

The value of each algebraic expression depends on the value of the variables inside it. The variables are the algebraic letters. They are called variables because they can vary in value.

We can use algebraic expressions when the value of something is unknown.

For example, we do not know how many sweets are in this jar.

How many sweets are in the jar?

We will write a letter to represent how many sweets are inside the jar.

When writing algebraic expressions we can use any letter of the alphabet and we can even use symbols instead.

In this example, we have chosen the lowercase letter n. n is often used in algebraic expressions to represent an unknown number.

How many sweets are in the jar?

There are n sweets in the jar.

forming an algebraic expression for an unknown amount

Algebraic expressions can also contain numbers as well as variables.

Here we have the same jar of sweets but we are given 2 more sweets.

A jar of sweets and 2 more sweets

We have the original n sweets in the jar plus 2 more. We can translate the words into an algebraic expression.

We now have n + 2 sweets in total.


n + 2 is an example of an algebraic expression.

We can see that there are no equals signs in an algebraic expression.

When teaching writing algebraic expressions, it is important to explain that there is no numerical answer to be found. The expression is a mixture of both variables and numbers.

teaching how to form algebraic expressions using sweets

The variable is the letter n.

When we find out the number of sweets in the jar then we can put a value on the number of sweets in total.

If there are 100 sweets in the jar, then n = 100 and therefore n + 2 = 100 + 2, which is 102.

Alternatively, if there are 30 sweets in the jar, then n = 30 and therefore n + 2 = 30 + 2, which is 32.

We can only get a numerical answer if we know the value of the the variables (letters) in the expression.

Forming Algebraic Expressions

Here is a jar of sweets plus 4 more.

A jar of sweets and 4 more sweets

We do not know how many sweets are in the jar, so we say that there are ‘n’ sweets in the jar.

We have 4 more than the number of sweets in the jar.

When writing algebraic expressions, the words ‘more than’ means to add.

example of translating words into an algebraic expression of n + 4

We have the n sweets in the jar and 4 more. We can write the algebraic expression as n + 4.

Forming Algebraic Expressions from a word problem

In this example we start with the same jar of sweets but this time we take one out.

 a jar with one sweet taken out

We started with n sweets but subtracted 1.

We translate the words into the algebraic expression of n – 1.

 A jar of 'n' sweets with one sweet removed makes n-1 sweets in total

We have n – 1 sweets.

translating words into an algebraic expression example of subtracting

Here is another example involving subtraction.

This time we start with the jar of n sweets and take out 5 sweets.

5 sweets taken out of a jar

The algebraic expression for this problem is ‘n – 5’ sweets.

writing the algebraic expression of n - 5 sweets

Forming Algebraic Expressions example of n - 5

In this next example we have two identical jars of sweets. We do not know how many sweets are in these jars.

2 jars of sweets

There are the same number of sweets in each jar. Because we don’t know how many sweets are in the jars, we will say that we have n sweets in each jar.

2 Jars of 'n' sweets makes 2n sweets

We have 2 lots of n, which is 2 × n.

When writing algebraic expressions, we don’t write multiplication signs. Instead of 2 × n, we write 2n.

We simply have 2n sweets.

Forming Algebraic Expressions with multiplication

In the next example of writing algebraic expressions with multiplication, we have 5 jars of sweets.

5 jars of sweets

There are n sweets in each jar and so we have 5 lots of n.

When translating these words into an algebraic expression, we replace the words ‘lots of’ with a multiplication.

We have 5 × n.

In algebra, we don’t write multiplication signs and so, we simply have 5n sweets.

multiplication example of translating algebraic expressions

The algebraic expression is that there are 5n sweets in total.

Forming Algebraic Expressions example involving a sweets problem

The Difference Between an Expression and an Equation

The difference between an expression and an equation is simply that an equation contains an equals sign and an expression does not.

An equation can be solved, whereas an expression cannot. An expression can be evaluated if we know the values of the variables inside it.

An example of an expression is ‘3n’.

There can be numbers and variables (letters) in an expression but no equals sign. We can see in the case of ‘3n’ that there is no equals sign here.

This ‘3n’ example could mean that we have 3 jars of sweets, where each jar has ‘n’ sweets inside.

3n is an example of an expression

An equation contains an equals sign.

For example, ‘3n = 30’ is an example of an equation.

We have an equals sign and the equation can be solved.

We can divide both 3n and 30 by three to see that n = 10.

The equation 3n = 30 is like saying, “We have 3 jars of sweets and in total this makes 30 sweets. How many sweets were in each jar?”

n is the number of sweets in each jar. If there are 3 jars, there must have been 10 sweets in each jar if there are 30 sweets in total. This is because 3 × 10 = 30.

We do not solve expressions.

The expression 3n is simply telling us that we have 3 lots of n. We do not know how many in total so we do not need to work anything out.

When teaching the writing of expressions it is important to point this out because some people expect to find a numerical ‘answer’ to the expression. They often expect to find a number, like we did in solving the equation above to get n = 10.

If the question is simply asking you to write an algebraic expression for the 3 jars of sweets, then ‘3n’ is the answer. There is no way to work anything further out.

However, if we are later told that there are 20 sweets in each jar, then we can evaluate 3n because we would then know that n = 20.

If n = 20, then 3n = 60.

If n = 100, then 3n = 300.

We leave the algebraic expression as 3n, so that we find the value of n at a later stage, we can substitute it in place to work out the total.


Now try our lesson on Writing Algebraic Terms where we learn how to write algebraic terms.

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