Comparing Speed

Comparing Speed

Quicker than Slower than introduced to children as a race

  • The rabbit and the tortoise are having a race.
  • The fastest animal will cross the finishing line first.
  • The rabbit crosses the finishing line before the tortoise.
  • We say that the rabbit is quicker than the tortoise.
  • The tortoise is slower than the rabbit.

The quickest animal crosses the finishing line first.

The slowest animal crosses the finishing line last.


Quicker than Slower than example for year 1 children

  • In this example we will compare the speeds of a dog and snail.
  • We will use the words quicker and slower.
  • The dog crosses the finish line first.
  • So the dog is quicker than the snail.
  • The snail crosses the finish line last.
  • So the snail is slower than the dog

Comparing the Speed of Objects using Quicker Than and Slower Than

In this lesson we are describing objects as quicker or slower when comparing their speeds.

In the example below, the rabbit and the tortoise are having a race.

The animal that crosses the finish line first is the winner.

Describing animals as Quicker than and Slower than when comparing speeds

The rabbit crosses the finish line before the tortoise because it ran more quickly.

We say that the rabbit is quicker than the tortoise.

The opposite of quick is slow.

The tortoise is slower than the rabbit.

In the example below, we have a race between a bike and a car.

Which is the fastest?

Introducing comparing speed using quicker than and slower than to year 1 children using a race

The car crosses the finish line before the bike does.

And so, the car is quicker than the bike.

Or we can say that the bike is slower than the car.

Here is a race between a dog and a snail.

The dog is quicker than the snail in this race.

The dog is quicker than the snail because it crossed the finish line first.

The snail is slower than the dog because it crossed the finish line last.

Finally, we will look at this race between a plane and a helicopter.

The plane is quicker than the helicopter in this race.

The plane crosses the finish line before the helicopter and so, the plane is quicker than the helicopter.

And the helicopter is slower than the plane.


Now try our lesson on Full, Half Full and Empty where we learn how to describe the capacity of containers.

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