Reading Numbers in the Thousands

Reading Numbers in the Thousands


thousands summary

  • We want to read the large number 867 485 using a place value chart.
  • We group the
    digitsThe numerals: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, that we use to make larger numbers.
    into groups of three. We have the thousands group and then the hundreds, tens and units group.
  • We break the thousands group into hundreds, tens and units. We have 867.
  • So we say we have eight hundred and sixty-seven thousand.
  • In the hundreds, tens and units columns we have 485, which is four hundred and eighty-five.
  • We have eight hundred and sixty-seven thousand, four hundred and eighty-five.
We read the thousands group as hundreds tens and units, followed by a ‘thousand’.

We then read the hundreds, tens and units, putting a comma first if we have a digit in the hundreds column.


thousands example

  • We want to read the large number 746 002.
  • It has 6
    digitsThe numerals: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, that we use to make larger numbers.
    , which we separate into groups of 3 on our place value chart.
  • Reading the thousands we have, seven hundred and forty-six.
  • Reading the hundreds, tens and units, we just have two.
  • Our number is seven hundred and forty-six thousand and two.


Thousands Place Value Worksheets and Answers

Printable Blank Place Value Chart

How to Read Numbers in the Thousands using a Thousands Place Value Chart

To read numbers in the thousands we put the digits into their place value columns and read from left to right in groups of hundreds, tens and units (ones). We read the hundreds, tens and units within the thousands group and then read the hundreds, tens and units place value columns afterwards.

In this lesson we will look at reading and writing large numbers with up to and including six digits with examples written on a thousands place value chart.

If you are confident in reading and writing three-digit numbers, then you will be able to read any large number.

Here is an example of reading a thousand place value chart:

Reading numbers in the thousands, reading 867485

In the above example, we have a six-digit number.

To make this large number easier to read, we put the digits into groups of three, starting from the right.

grouping 867485 into thousands and hundreds, tens and units

We put the digits into groups of three by using a space in between the groups.

The group of three digits on the left is our thousands group. This is how many thousands we have.

separating 867485 into thousands and hundreds, tens and units

Now, that we have put the digits into place value groups of three, we can read the large number.

looking at the hundreds, tens and units columns of 867485

The group of digits on the right-hand-side is the hundreds, tens and units.

looking at the thousands group of 867485, having already grouped the hundreds, tens and units

The group of three digits on the left-hand-side is the thousands.

looking at just the thousands group of 867485

We read from left to right, so we start with the thousands place value group on our chart.

considering the thousands group as hundreds, tens and units of the thousands place value chart

We can think of the digits in this group as hundreds, tens and units.

We have eight hundred and sixty-seven.

reading the thousands group as hundreds, tens and units

Because these three digits are in the thousands group of our place value chart, we have eight hundred and sixty-seven thousand.

combining the thousands with reading the hundreds, tens and units of our number from the place value chart

Finally, we can read the hundreds, tens and units group.

We have four hundred and eighty-five.

So, the large number is read as:

Eight hundred and sixty-seven thousand, four hundred and eighty-five.

Here is another example of reading a number in the thousands:

another number in the thousands ready to be read

We begin by putting the digits into groups of three, starting from the right.

grouping the thousands and hundreds, tens and units of our number

We separate these place value groups with a space.

separating the thousands and the hundreds, tens and units group of our number

Now that we have put the digits into groups of three, we can read the large number.

considering just the thousands group of our number

We read our large number from left to right, so we start with the thousands group.

read just the thousands group of our large number on our thousands place value chart

We can start by thinking of this place value group as hundreds, tens and units.

We have 30.

reading the thousands group of our number as hundreds, tens and units

The digits are in the thousands place value group, so we have thirty thousand.

having already read the thousands group of our place value chart, we now read the hundreds, tens and units place value group

Finally, we read the digits in the hundreds, tens and units place value group of our chart.

We have one hundred and forty-nine.

So, the large number is read as:

Thirty thousand, one hundred and forty-nine.


Now try our lesson on Reading Large Numbers in Millions and Billions where we learn how to read larger numbers in the millions and billions using a place value chart.

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